Category: Brand Experience

Can a customised brand portal help your marketing?

As a business owner, effective marketing is key. Whether you’re trading from a brick and mortar store or across the digital shelf, you’ll need to figure out how relevant content can get to your customers quickly and easily.

Still relatively new in the ecommerce and product management industries, customised brand portals are becoming increasingly popular. This is because of their amazing ability to streamline day-to-day operations and marketing activities without detracting from important work!

In this article, we explore what customised brand portals are, why they differ from traditional product databases, and how you can use them to build better relationships with your sales channels and, by extension, your audience.

10 ways to support brand optimisation for ecommerce

Are you using online brand optimisation for ecommerce to help drive conversions?

If so, fantastic. If not, boo!

Staying relevant as a business on the digital shelf means frequently checking that your ecommerce content is in tip-top shape.

But how will you know which areas to focus on?

We’ve put together this handy guide to help you make the right decisions when it comes to online brand optimisation for ecommerce.

What is ecommerce content?

Looking for more traffic from Google and other search engines? Want to expand your lead generation potential? Feel like you need better customer engagement?

Ecommerce content can help with all this. Of course, on the digital shelf, it’s not just about knowing what types of content to use; you also need to understand how and where to use them if you hope to succeed!

In this article, we explain what ecommerce content is and how you can use it to grow your business online.

How to create a digital shelf strategy

Shoppers love looking at things, and if you want your business to succeed, you’d better make sure your products are as appealing across the digital shelf – where they’re housed online – as they are within a physical retail space.

Omnichannel vs multichannel ecommerce: What’s the difference?

Those who work in the worlds of business or marketing may have come across the terms ‘omnichannel’ and ‘multichannel’ at some point.

But what exactly do they mean?

Also, more importantly, how do they affect the way your company interacts with customers?

In this article, we look at both omnichannel ecommerce and multichannel ecommerce, exploring what makes each approach unique and how to decide which one is right for you.

What is brand compliance?

Never underestimate the power of a clearly aligned brand. Consistency and integration are both key if you want your company to succeed online.

But how do you make your brand ‘compliant’? What are the steps involved?

In this article, we take a closer look at brand compliance and show you ways of boosting your company’s appeal across the digital landscape.

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