How to win at the digital shelf

One of the most important aspects of e-commerce is success on the digital shelf. But how do you make those crucial online gains your business needs to survive?

The digital shelf is where you get noticed, the place where your brand has the most opportunity to shine. And with an increasing number of people shopping online, knowing how to win at the digital shelf could be what catapults your company to a whole new level.

In this article, we show you how to win at the digital shelf, including ways that Magpie DBX can help your business shoot for the (virtual) stars.

Why do you need a digital shelf edge?

Millions of people from all corners of the planet shop using the digital shelf. And while this online world is yours, so to speak, there are plenty of competitors out there vying for attention – same as you.

From SERP features (Search Engine Results Pages) to online advertising; product descriptions to photos, ensuring that your brand is consistent, clear and true to its message will help give an edge to your digital shelf activity. Otherwise, there is nothing distinguishing about you, so why would customers stick around?

10 tips for winning the digital shelf

By taking the time to review your current digital shelf situation and put good habits in place, you will be setting your business up for e-commerce excellence.

Want expert guidance on how to win at the digital shelf? Check out our 10 top tips below:

1) Maximise product visibility

Amazon’s second page search results? No chance. Page 2 of Google? Forget about it. 

An estimated around three-quarters of us never scroll past the first SERP. So, if you’re wondering how to win at the digital shelf, appearing (preferably high) on Page 1 is the obvious answer.

It’s just a matter of getting there!

Ensure that every product listing you put up is optimised with relevant, targeted keywords and details you think prospective customers would really like to know. Strong images and other multimedia elements will also help your listings stand out in the digital shelf.

2) Ensure your brand is represented correctly

Appearing inconsistent across the digital shelf causes customers to question your brand’s authenticity. The branding you choose should be clear and instantly recognisable, both online and offline. If not, shoppers may wonder why the items they purchase are displayed differently, which creates mistrust.

While you’re optimising online, be sure to check that all visual assets are up-to-date and on-brand. IRL (in real life), confirm that all packaging and labelling matches up to avoid losing business to competitors.

3) Monitor the right KPIs

When brainstorming how to win at the digital shelf, you must first identify your core KPIs and take steps to measure them consistently online.

As an e-commerce business, there are many factors you can track, such as:

  • Conversion rates
  • Share of search
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA)
  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Brand prominence

Using data to drive actionable recommendations for your digital shelf space not only helps keep spend low, but also allows you to assess potential new growth opportunities.

4) Personalise your online strategy

The digital shelf is not an impersonal space. Your brand is more likely to succeed if you market products in a way that speaks to specific customers.

Present your goods and services like they’re the solution to your customers’ problems. Campaigns should target shopper pain points for maximum e-commerce success. 

And remember, make your marketing relatable to your audience. It’s no good addressing senior citizens and Gen Z-ers with the same materials and TOV (tone of voice); they’re two very different demographics!

5) Leverage customer feedback

More and more shoppers are turning to reviews for honest feedback about people’s experiences with brands. Displaying positive responses from your customer base throughout the digital shelf will almost certainly help to drum up further business.

Likewise, if anyone leaves a negative review of your company or its products, take time to act on this information. Also, let customers know that their opinions matter to you; it strengthens the bonds of trust.

6) Provide fast delivery

Today’s customers know what they want, and they expect that businesses will deliver. Quite literally. In other words, if your products don’t reach them the quickest, you can bet they’ll shop elsewhere.

Availability, stock and shipping. Magpie can help you track them all in one place and let you know exactly where you stand on today’s digital shelf.

7) Make the most of online promotions

Deals and promotions are both great for attracting new customers to your brand. Existing customers will also appreciate them, as they can be seen as rewards for buyer loyalty.

Examples of popular promotions that businesses tend to use online are:

  • Subscription services
  • Gift cards
  • Cashback
  • Loyalty programmes
  • Free shipping

Also, promotion tracking is perfect for tapping into competitors’ tactics and reacting quickly to any price changes in the market.

8) Respond to and remedy any issues

Acting quickly is a key part of winning at the digital shelf. Things change all the time online, and you must address any changes before they have a negative impact on your business.

The same goes for any issues customers flag. If you don’t act on them, your shoppers will buy elsewhere.

For maximum responsiveness, build a strong team around you and work together with them to safeguard your brand’s digital reputation.

9) Step up your storytelling game

Storytelling marketing uses narrative to deliver prospective customers a message. If done correctly, that narrative could capture more people’s attention than you ever dreamed possible by appealing to a wide range of emotions.

Think about when you watch a John Lewis ad at Christmas: you focus more on the journey than the products they sell. And despite this being accomplished through the TV medium, there’s no reason why you can’t create equally compelling customer experiences on the digital shelf as well.

10) Take control!

Winning at the digital shelf means taking control of your online strategy. If you have good products, you should be able to market them in a way that positively showcases your brand, to first-time visitors and existing customers alike.

Magpie DBX makes monitoring all aspects of your digital activity simple. Our platform provides you with everything you need to win at the digital shelf, namely actionable data to enable meaningful change.

Winning the digital shelf with Magpie DBX

At Magpie, we offer various tools to help you supercharge your brand’s online presence, all in one place. From Stock & Delivery monitoring to keeping tabs on share of search, you’ll be amazed by how thorough our platform is.

So, what are you waiting for?! Get in touch with our team to request a demo.

Find out more about how to improve your brand prominence

How to maximise digital shelf visibility

Appearing on the digital shelf involves more than just listing your products across multiple channels.

It’s about making sure that you’re presenting them in the right way, so that customers will keep using your brand because they trust that you can deliver.

But retaining customers means first maximising your digital shelf visibility, which is tricky given how crowded the online space has become.

In this article, we look at why digital shelf visibility is so important, as well as suggesting ways of appearing more visible across the internet.

How to create a digital shelf strategy

Shoppers love looking at things, and if you want your business to succeed, you’d better make sure your products are as appealing across the digital shelf – where they’re housed online – as they are within a physical retail space.

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